Handbag Amnesty evening raises £400


Specialised Orthotic Services, based in Tutbury, decided to organise a handbag amnesty in a bid to raise funds for Rainbows Hospice. This, together with other fundraising activities, meant that more than £400 was raised as people handed over various bags of all shapes and sizes, which were then sold on to raise cash.

The handbag amnesty is an initiative organised by Rainbows Hospice where donations of handbags and purses in good condition are collected. These bags are then sold at various events, with 100 per cent of what is paid coming directly to us.

The event held by Specialised Orthotic Services was attended by staff, their family and friends. As well as selling the handbags, two stylists from Escape Hair design came to the event and provided inspiring hairstyling demonstrations and ran a raffle.

To mark the occasion a special edition handbag-themed P-pod was produced and presented to two families who use the hospice. The P-pod, designed and developed by the firm, is a simple yet effective postural support and is used by many of the disabled children and young people who use Rainbows.

If you’d like to hold your own Handbag Amnesty then please go to www.handbagamnesty.co.uk for more details.