A gift in your Will can fund Rainbows’ care for local babies, children and young people living with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions.

Gifts in Wills, the result of thoughtful decisions made by local people often many years before, make up around 20% of our total income. Without these crucial gifts, we simply couldn’t provide the care, therapies and emotional support babies, children, young people and families affected by serious and terminal conditions need.

We call them “Rainbow Gifts” because we use each one to fund a whole range of care and support services, each one helping to bring colour and light into the lives of children who really need us.

Including a Rainbows Gift in your Will is a special way of making sure we can continue to be here, to care for babies, children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, whenever they need us.

To find out more about leaving a Rainbows Gift in your Will, please do get in touch by emailing our Supporter Care Team.

A gift in your Will can fund Rainbows’ care for local babies, children and young people living with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions.

How to make your Will

There are several kinds of Rainbow Gifts you can leave. Each gift is special to us and ensures that we’re able to provide the very best care and support to the babies, children, young people and families who need us, today and into the future.

  • A cash (or ‘pecuniary’) gift: When you choose to leave a single, precise cash gift from your estate
  • A specific gift: Usually something like property or an individual valuable item, such as an antique or piece of jewellery
  • A life interest: If you wish, you can leave a gift for use over a specific period, for example the income from an investment. After that time has passed, the gift could then be passed onto another recipient or family member
  • A share of your estate (or ‘residuary’) gift: You could choose to leave a share or the residue of your estate to Rainbows.

Inheritance Tax: Each individual has a tax-free allowance of £325,000 (correct as of April 2024) before Inheritance Tax at 40% becomes due. All gifts to charities are deducted from the value of the estate before Inheritance Tax is calculated.

For more information, please speak to your solicitor or visit the HMRC website.