From bake sales to bike rides, £100 to £1,000 – every effort makes a difference and every penny counts. You can help support us by organising fundraising in your office. Whether that’s involving everyone in something internally, or taking on a challenge yourself and seeking sponsorship, we’re here to help maximise your impact.

Matched Funding

Imagine you’d raised £1,000 – and we told you that there was a way to make that £2,000 with minimal effort that would probably just involve a few forms?

Employers who do this call it ‘matched funding’. Although different companies have slightly different rules, generally speaking anything you raise in support of a good cause can be matched, £ for £, by employers who offer such a scheme. This is an easy way for you to double your money and involve your employer for just the time it takes you to fill in the application.

If you’re a business which has adopted Rainbows as your Charity of the Year or have employees taking on a fundraising challenge or event for Rainbows, you can incentivise and support them in their fundraising by matching their donation to show your commitment to brightening short lives.

Studies have shown that people are more generous when donating if they know that their donation is being matched further down the line – so not only can it double your money, but it can raise your overall total too!


Whatever your fundraiser might be, don’t forget to set up a JustGiving page and encourage friends and family to support you online.

Sponsorship Form

As well as your JustGiving page, why not put a sponsorship form up in your local pub or shop?