
The first time mummy, Jeanette, saw her tiny premature baby, Kieran, in a “touch and go” situation in Intensive Care, she said “there were more wires than baby.”

Weighing just 3lb 14oz, Kieran was born 10 weeks early and spent 16 weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care unit at Derby Royal Hospital.

Jeanette was told he wouldn’t survive past his first birthday. Kieran proved everyone wrong and is now 19. Sadly he has many life-limiting complex needs including scoliosis of the spine, cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Kieran is also blind and deaf and is unable to speak.

Reliant on his wheelchair, Kieran needs round the clock care, which is often a struggle for single parent Jeanette, who is also mummy to Mason, Rosie and Hope.

But Jeanette finds solace at Rainbows. “Rainbows has given us so much support as a family. Not just to Kieran but to my other children as well, they are amazing,” she said.

“Rainbows also gave us so much support during lockdown, when times were really tough.

“For his first visit, I wasn’t sure about leaving Kieran so we all came and stayed. But now I leave him to stay on his own and I can spend time with my other children, which is amazing for them as it is very different when I have to look after Kieran.

“Kieran loves coming to Rainbows, I am not sure he likes coming home afterwards! At Rainbows he loves the Hydrotherapy Pool, the Music Room and the Multisensory Room. He really does enjoy it and he is always smiling as soon as you enter the grounds of Rainbows, he knows he is there.

“Kieran has had to go through so many tests and operations and he got over so many hurdles. But he is always smiling.

“His siblings are also amazing. They play with him and help change him. They want to hold his hand and push him in his wheelchair, they want to sign to him and read to him. They are very protective of him too and they know that he is safe at Rainbows.

“When Kieran is at Rainbows, I can switch off as I know that Kieran is safe. I can recharge my batteries. The support is absolutely out of this world and I can’t thank Rainbows enough.”

Rainbows has given us so much support as a family. Not just to Kieran but to my other children as well, they are amazing.